Hedging - Flowering

Hedging - Flowering

You can have the best of both worlds with a flowering hedge. It will give a riot of blooms in its flowering season while performing the more practical functions of privacy, shelter or dividing the different spaces in your garden.

Bareroot hedging | mid-November to March

Bareroot hedging is only available while the plants are dormant from mid-November to March. You can learn more about the differences between bareroot and potted plants and about planting a bareroot hedge in our advice section.

Potted hedging | all year round

Potted hedging is available all year, but the best selection, and the best time to plant, is in late spring (April to May) and early autumn (September to October).

9 products
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Forsythia x intermedia Spectabilis
Forsythia x intermedia Spectabilis - Future Forests

Forsythia x intermedia Spectabilis

Fuchsia magellanica Alba - Pink / White Fuchsia
Fuchsia magellanica Alba - White Fuchsia - Future Forests

Fuchsia magellanica Alba - Pink / White Fuchsia

Hypericum x hidcoteense Hidcote
Hypericum x hidcoteense Hidcote - Future Forests

Hypericum x hidcoteense Hidcote

Spiraea arguta
Spiraea arguta - Future Forests

Spiraea arguta

Berberis darwinii
Out of Stock or Season
Berberis darwinii - Future Forests

Berberis darwinii

Fuchsia Riccartonii - Red Fuchsia
Out of Stock or Season
Fuchsia magellanica Riccartonii - Future Forests

Fuchsia Riccartonii - Red Fuchsia

Rosa Fru Dagmar Hastrup - Rugosa Rose
Out of Stock or Season
Rosa Fru Dagmar Hastrup - Future Forests

Rosa Fru Dagmar Hastrup - Rugosa Rose

Rosa Roseraie de l'Hay - Rugosa Rose
Out of Stock or Season
Rosa Rosarie de L Hay - Future Forests

Rosa Roseraie de l'Hay - Rugosa Rose

Rosa rugosa - Rugosa Rose
Out of Stock or Season
Rosa rugosa - Future Forests

Rosa rugosa - Rugosa Rose
