Fruit - Nut Trees

Fruit - Nut Trees

Cobnuts and filberts grow well in Ireland, producing bigger nuts than our native Hazel. We also occasionally stock more unusual nuts like almonds, sweet chestnut, and European chestnut.

Learn more about how to choose and grow hazelnuts and other nuts in our advice section and on our resources page.

Bareroot nut trees | December to March

Most of our nut trees are sold in bareroot form from December to March. You can learn more about the differences between bareroot and potted plants in our advice section.

Potted nut trees | all year round

Potted nut trees are available at different times throughout the rest of the year, but the best selection, and the best time to plant, is in spring (April to June). Outside of these times our selection is more limited.

9 products
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Type | Size
Cobnut - Corylus avellana Fertile de Coutard
Cobnut - Corylus avellana Fertile de Coutard

Cobnut - Corylus avellana Fertile de Coutard

Corylus avellana Tonda Gentile delle Langhe
Corylus avellana Tonda Gentile delle Langhe

Corylus avellana Tonda Gentile delle Langhe

Corylus colurna - Turkish Hazel
Corylus colurna - Turkish Hazel

Corylus colurna - Turkish Hazel

Almond - Prunus dulcis Robijn
Out of Stock or Season
Almond Robijn - Prunus dulcis Robijn - Future Forests

Almond - Prunus dulcis Robijn

Cobnut - Corylus avellana Cosford Cob
Out of Stock or Season
Cobnut - Corylus avellana Cosford Cob

Cobnut - Corylus avellana Cosford Cob

Cobnut - Corylus avellana Webb’s Prize Cob
Out of Stock or Season
Cobnut Webb’s Prize Cob - Future Forests

Cobnut - Corylus avellana Webb’s Prize Cob

Cobnut - Corylus maxima Nottingham
Out of Stock or Season
Cobnut Nottingham - Future Forests

Cobnut - Corylus maxima Nottingham

Filbert - Corylus avellana Hall’s Giant
Out of Stock or Season
Filbert Hall’s Giant - Future Forests

Filbert - Corylus avellana Hall’s Giant

Filbert - Corylus maxima Kentish Cob
Out of Stock or Season
Filbert - Corylus maxima Kentish Cob

Filbert - Corylus maxima Kentish Cob
