Plum Belle de Louvain

Plum Belle de Louvain

A delicious culinary plum long grown in Belgium, Prunus domestica Belle de Louvain is particularly well adapted to northern climates. The fruit is very large, deep red maturing to deepest purple, with sweet yellow flesh, which is rather dry; this is what makes it such a good cooking plum, as pies aren’t drowned in juice. Cooking brings out its excellent flavour; it also makes a delicious, deeply-coloured jam. Plum Belle de Louvain is a vigorous, healthy, disease-resistant tree, able to cope with windier situations and late frosts. It takes a year or two longer than modern cultivars to come into bearing, which gives it time to strengthen its branches for the heavy and reliable crops which follow. Always thin the plums in early summer, for better fruit and to prevent branches breaking under the weight. Prune only in summer. Self-fertile, but may crop better if a different plum variety – an eating plum, say – in the same pollination group is planted nearby.

Site: Sheltered, sunny site best, but it is wind- and frost-resistant
Soil: Any well-drained but water-retentive soil; rich loamy, slightly acidic soils preferred
Position: Full sun, but will tolerate light shade
Pick: Late August
Keep: 1-3 days
Hardiness: Very hardy
Pollination: Self-fertile; pollination Group 3
Uses: Cooking and preserving

Type | Size: Bareroot 1yr
Rootstock: St Julien A
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