Apple Ballinora Pippin

Apple Ballinora Pippin

An Irish heritage dessert apple discovered on a farm in Co. Cork in the late 19th century, Malus domestica Ballinora Pippin is believed to be a sport or seedling of the renowned Blenheim Orange. The fruit is very large and round, dull yellow-orange heavily flushed and streaked with crimson, with dots of russeting. The flesh is juicy and crunchy, with a good flavour, and sweetens as it ripens in storage. The tree is a reliable, heavy cropper with good disease-resistance. Apple Ballinora is self-sterile, so must be planted near an apple of the same or adjacent pollination group.

Site: Sheltered, sunny site
Soil: Fertile, well-drained, loamy soil, preferably slightly acid to neutral
Position: Full sun
Pick: Late September-early October
Keep: December
Hardiness: Fully hardy
Pollination: Pollination Group 3
Uses: Eating, juicing

Learn more about fruit tree rootstocks

Please Note : Our fruit trees are pre pruned at the nursery.

Type | Size: Bareroot 1yr
Rootstock: MM106
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