Hosta fortunei var. aureomarginata

Gold-edged Hosta

A beautiful form of hosta or plantain lily which will bring a splash of light to a shady border, Hosta fortunei var. aureomarginata is a herbaceous perennial with a compact, clump-forming habit. The broad, heart-shaped leaves, 10”/25cm long, are rich mid-green, with irregular, creamy-yellow borders, the colour retained well into autumn. In June and July, pretty, lavender-coloured, trumpet-shaped flowers rise on leafy stems above the clump of leaves. Like all hostas, it needs protection against slugs. Gold-edged hosta holds the RHS Award of Garden Merit.

Site: Sheltered
Soil: Fertile, moist but well-drained, acid to neutral soil
Position: Partial shade
Season of interest: Spring to autumn, early to mid-summer in particular
Hardiness: Very hardy
Height: 30” (75cm) Spread: 2’ (60cm)
Type | Size: Pot | 3L
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