Daffodil Pink Wonder

Daffodil Pink Wonder

A frilly, collar-type, split-cup daffodil, Narcissus Pink Wonder is a medium-sized, bulbous perennial with an upright habit. The leaves are strap-shaped and mid-green. The flowers, which emerge in April and into May, are most unusual, with two rows of ivory petals and a split, very frilly cup which opens peach, maturing to apricot-pink, and fading to white with a pale pink edge. For the best colour, daffodil Pink Wonder is best planted in sun filtered by emerging leaves, and it is also good in partly-shaded containers. Take care to plant them where they face into the sun as you look, as otherwise they will turn towards the sun, like all narcissus/daffodils. Wear gloves when planting the bulbs in September.

Site: Sheltered
Any well-drained, fertile soil, preferably moist
Best in dappled shade; tolerates full sun
Season of interest:
Fully hardy
16” (40cm) Spread: 4” (10cm)

Type | Size: Bulbs | Pack of 5
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