Cobnut - Corylus maxima Nottingham

Cobnut Nottingham

Also known as ‘Pearson’s Prolific’, Corylus maxima ‘Nottingham’ is an early-ripening hazelnut, and, despite the name, is actually a long-husked filbert. Vigorous, comes into bearing early, and is a reliable, heavy cropper, often grown commercially. Cobnut ‘Nottingham’ is known to do well in Ireland. Large nuts with a very good, rich flavour. Highly nutritious source of high-quality protein, ‘good fats’, fibre, Vitamin B, folate, iron and other minerals. Harvest as they start falling from the tree. Eat fresh, or dry the crop carefully, then remove the husks and store in a mouse-proof place. Good pollinator for other varieties. Very attractive pale yellow catkins in late winter.

Site: Fairly sheltered
Soil: Any reasonable soil which is not waterlogged or over-rich; light, neutral soils preferred
Position: Crops best in full sun, but tolerates light shade
Pick: September
Keep: Until New Year
Hardiness: Hardy
Pollination: Partially self-fertile, but will crop better grouped with at least one different pollination partner; wild hazel may also pollinate
Uses: Eating and cooking; prunings make excellent bean poles, peasticks and wattle fencing
Height: 20’ (6m) if unpruned Spread: 15’ (5m) if unpruned

Learn more about how to choose and grow hazelnuts and other nuts in our advice section and on our resources page.

Type | Size: Bareroot | 3ft
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