Clematis Jackmanii

Jackman’s Clematis

A lovely, reliable late-flowering clematis, Clematis Jackmanii is a fast-growing, deciduous, climber which secures itself to its support by hooking on with its leaves. Tri-partite, typical clematis leaves are mid-green. Masses of large flowers, with 4-6 gorgeous, velvety, deep violet-purple petals with greenish-cream centres, are borne from July to September. A Group 3 clematis, it is very easy to prune – simply cut it down to two fat buds about 6-8”/15-20cm above the ground in late winter or early spring; Group 3 clematis are rarely troubled by clematis wilt or other diseases. Beautiful grown through a large shrub rose, or up a small tree, it likes a cool, spacious root-run but its head in the sun; flag-stones or a rich spring mulch over the roots will keep soil cool and moist. Jackman’s clematis holds the RHS Award of Garden Merit.

Site: Sheltered
Fertile, moist, well-drained, alkaline to neutral soil
Full sun or dappled shade
Season of interest:
Midsummer to early autumn
Fully hardy
10’ (3m) Spread: 39” (1m)

Type | Size: Pot | 2L
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