Shrubs - Autumn Interest

Shrubs - Autumn Interest

Many earlier flowering shrubs will give a second display in autumn as their leaves turn to gold, wine, scarlet, and your other favourite colours of autumn. Berries also feature prominently around this time of year and often carry colour well into the winter (if the birds don't get them all)!

Learn more about what to plant and when to plant it in our advice section and find even more information in our resources.

Bareroot shrubs | mid-November to March

Bareroot shrubs are only available from mid-November to March. You can learn more about the differences between bareroot and potted plants in our advice section.

Potted shrubs | all year round

Potted shrubs are available all year, but the best selection, and the best time to plant, is in late spring (April to May) and early autumn (September to October).

201 products
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Type | Size
Symphoricarpos x chenaultii Hancock
Out of Stock or Season
Symphoricarpos x chenaultii Hancock - Future Forests

Symphoricarpos x chenaultii Hancock

Symphoricarpos x doorenbosii Magic Berry
Out of Stock or Season
Symphoricarpos x doorenbosii Magic Berry - Future Forests

Symphoricarpos x doorenbosii Magic Berry

Ugni molinae Flambeau
Out of Stock or Season
Ugni molinae Flambeau

Ugni molinae Flambeau

Vaccinium vitas-idaea Fireballs PBR - Lingonberry
Out of Stock or Season
Vaccinium vitas-idaea Fireballs PBR - Lingonberry

Vaccinium vitas-idaea Fireballs PBR - Lingonberry

Vaccinium vitis-idaea Little Miss Cherry ® - Lingonberry
Out of Stock or Season
Lingonberry Little Miss Cherry - Future Forests

Vaccinium vitis-idaea Little Miss Cherry ® - Lingonberry

Vallea stipularis
Out of Stock or Season
Vallea stipularis

Vallea stipularis

x Gordlinia grandiflora
Out of Stock or Season
x Gordlinia grandiflora

x Gordlinia grandiflora

Yucca gloriosa Variegata
Out of Stock or Season
Yucca gloriosa Variegata

Yucca gloriosa Variegata

Zanthoxylum piperitum
Out of Stock or Season
Zanthoxylum piperitum

Zanthoxylum piperitum
