Fruit - Raspberries & Strawberries

Fruit - Raspberries & Strawberries

Summer wouldn't be summer without strawberries and raspberries, especially when picked fresh from the garden! They are relatively easy to grow (once established) and we always stock a range of varieties that will extend your cropping season from spring into early autumn.

You can learn more about how to plant and care for raspberries and starting with fruit in our advice section and on our resources page.

Bareroot berries | January to March

Nearly all of our berries are sold in bareroot from January to March. We find this is the best way to get your berries started since they're dormant until the weather warms up in spring.

Potted berries | all year round

Some berries are notoriously difficult to get started from bareroot (ahem, raspberries), as many gardeners will have experienced. Because of this, we also stock a large selection of potted berries in spring and throughout the rest of the year. The best selection, and the best time to plant in order to have ripe summer berries the same year, is in spring (April to June). Outside of these times our selection can be limited.

21 products
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Strawberry Loran
Out of Stock or Season
Strawberry Loran

Strawberry Loran

Strawberry Ostara
Out of Stock or Season
Strawberry Ostara

Strawberry Ostara

Strawberry Snow White - Pineberry
Out of Stock or Season
Strawberry Snow White - Future Forests

Strawberry Snow White - Pineberry

Strawberry Symphony
Out of Stock or Season
Strawberry Symphony - Future Forests

Strawberry Symphony

Strawberry Toscana
Out of Stock or Season
Strawberry Toscana

Strawberry Toscana
