Strawberry Eros

Strawberry Eros
(Sold in Bundles of Ten)

Raised at the UK’s East Malling research station from a cross between Elsanta and Allstar, Fragaria ananassa Eros Is a moderately vigorous, heavy-cropping, mid-season summer strawberry, with resistance to the disease Red Core and hardy in colder, northern areas. The mid-red, glossy, well-shaped fruit is juicy and firm, with a sweet, very good flavour. Plant 13”/35cm apart, with 30”/75cm between the rows, and the crown level with the soil; hoe regularly – strawberries can be a weedy crop. As the fruit develops, place straw or mulching mats under the berries and net to protect from birds. Pick every other day, preferably in dry weather. As runners appear, remove all but one, to keep vigour in the parent plant, and when the runners have rooted, start a new bed – most strawberries crop much less after three years. Can also be grown in pots, growbags and window-boxes.

Site: Sheltered, sunny site
Soil: Rich, fertile, moist but well-drained, humus-rich soil
Position: Fruit sweeter in full sun
Pick: July
Keep: Does not keep - do not refrigerate
Hardiness: Fully hardy
Pollination: Self-fertile
Uses: Eating fresh, jam

Type | Size: Bareroot Crowns | Bundle of 10
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