Trees - Large Growing Ornamental Trees

Trees - Large Growing Ornamental Trees

A selection of ornamental trees for the larger garden or woodland. These trees are often planted for their stunning autumn colours, flowers, decorative bark, or unusual forms and many are rare or unusual specimens from other parts of the world.

Learn more about how to plant a tree in our advice section and find even more information in our resources.

Bareroot ornamental trees | mid-November to March

Bareroot trees are only available from mid-November to March. You can learn more about the differences between bareroot and potted plants in our advice section.

Potted ornamental trees | all year round

Potted trees are available all year, but the best selection, and the best time to plant, is in late spring (April to May) and early autumn (September to October).

51 products
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Foliage Colour
Season of Interest
Type | Size
Acer platanoides Keith’s Form (syn. Norwegian Sunset®)
Out of Stock or Season
Acer platanoides Keith’s Form (syn. Norwegian Sunset®)

Acer platanoides Keith’s Form (syn. Norwegian Sunset®)

Acer rubrum - Canadian Maple
Out of Stock or Season
Acer rubrum - Canadian Maple - Future Forests

Acer rubrum - Canadian Maple

Alnus x spaethii
Out of Stock or Season
Alnus x spaethii

Alnus x spaethii

Betula nigra - River Birch
Out of Stock or Season
Betula nigra - Future Forests

Betula nigra - River Birch

Betula pendula subsp. pendula Purpurea
Out of Stock or Season
Betula pendula subsp. pendula Purpurea

Betula pendula subsp. pendula Purpurea

Carpinus betulus Rockhampton Red (syn. Lockglow)
Out of Stock or Season
Carpinus betulus Rockhampton Red - Future Forests

Carpinus betulus Rockhampton Red (syn. Lockglow)

Eucryphia cordifolia
Out of Stock or Season
Eucryphia cordifolia

Eucryphia cordifolia

Liriodendron tulipifera - Tulip Tree
Out of Stock or Season
Liriodendron tulipifera - Tulip Tree - Future Forests

Liriodendron tulipifera - Tulip Tree

Magnolia campbellii
Out of Stock or Season
Magnolia campbellii - Future Forests

Magnolia campbellii

Magnolia grandiflora Galissonnière
Out of Stock or Season
Magnolia grandiflora Galissonnière

Magnolia grandiflora Galissonnière

Magnolia obovata (syn. hypoleuca)
Out of Stock or Season
Magnolia obovata (syn. hypoleuca)

Magnolia obovata (syn. hypoleuca)

Magnolia sieboldii
Out of Stock or Season
Magnolia sieboldii - Future Forests

Magnolia sieboldii

Nothofagus betuloides - Magellan's Beech
Out of Stock or Season
Nothofagus betuloides - Magellan's Beech - Future Forests

Nothofagus betuloides - Magellan's Beech

Nothofagus menziesii - Silver Beech
Out of Stock or Season
Nothofagus menziesii - Silver Beech - Future Forests

Nothofagus menziesii - Silver Beech

Nothofagus x alpina
Out of Stock or Season
Nothofagus x alpina

Nothofagus x alpina

Nyssa aquatica - Water Tupelo
Out of Stock or Season
Nyssa aquatica - Water  Tupelo - Future Forests

Nyssa aquatica - Water Tupelo
