Viburnum tinus LisaRose

Viburnum tinus LisaRose

Lisa Rose is a mid sized, dense, compact bushy, evergreen shrub with dark green leaves. The flower buds form in early autumn, turning deep brick-red as the temperature drops. The small, pink and white flowers open in rounded clusters from mid-winter to mid-spring, so earlier than other varieties making it a valuable food source for Bees, followed by dark blue-black berries. Its growth habit makes it perfect for adding a little height to mixed shrub beds. It also makes an excellent, evergreen and manageable hedge.

Site: Tolerates most coastal sites
Soil: Well drained soil
Position: Full sun or part shade
Season of Interest: Winter flowers, berries, evergreen, scent
Hardiness: Fully hardy
Height: 8-10ft (2.4- 3m) Spread: 8ft (2.4m)

Type | Size: Pot | 5L
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