Sorbus aucuparia Cardinal Royal

Ornamental Rowan

A cultivar of the native Irish rowan or mountain ash, Sorbus aucuparia Cardinal Royal is a medium-sized tree of particularly upright and symmetrical form, often used in landscape plantings. Probably the fastest growing rowan, good planted in a line for a fast-growing screen. Creamy-white flowers appear in April–May, followed by large clusters of brilliant red berries in late summer; these hold well on the tree. The leaves are deep green with silvery undersides, very attractive with the wind running through them. An undemanding, very hardy tree, good for pollinators and birds. Plant in full sun for the best shape.

Site: Tolerates exposure
Soil: Any reasonably well drained soil, acid to neutral soils preferred
Position: Full sun
Season of Interest: Spring, late summer, autumn
Hardiness: Fully hardy
Height: 40’ (12m) Spread: 13-26’ (4-8m)

Type | Size: Pot | 10L
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