Nandina domestica

Heavenly Bamboo

Not a real bamboo, Nandina domestica is a compact, slow-growing, evergreen shrub with an upright habit. It has pinnate leaves with lance-shaped leaflets. New foliage growth emerges purplish; it turns greener later, but it turns purplish again in winter. Small, white, flowers in large panicles appear in summer, followed by red berries.  Heavenly bamboo was once planted at the doors of Japanese houses. Good in containers, cottage gardens, architectural, city and courtyard gardens and flower beds and borders.

Site: Sheltered
Soil: Any moderately fertile, moist but well-drained soil
Position: Full sun
Season of interest: June and July, December to January
Hardiness: Fully hardy
Height:  39”-5’’ (1-1.5m) Spread: 39”-5’’ (1-1.5m) in 10-20 years
Type | Size: Pot | 10L
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