Apple Allington Pippin

Apple Allington Pippin

A long-established, late-season, dual-purpose apple, Malus domestica Allington Pippin has medium-sized fruit, with pale yellow skin flushed with red-orange, with some streaking and russeting. This apple can be used for cooking when first picked; it keeps its shape and has a flavour reminiscent of pears, but sweetens in store and develops a marked flavour of pineapple. The tree is of average vigour, is a spur-bearer, and is a good cropper, although the apples should be thinned, as it has a tendency to biennial bearing. With pale pink blossom, it’s partially self-fertile, but will crop better when planted near an apple of the same or adjacent pollination group. Some resistance to scab. Apple Allington Pippin does best in a warmer site and good soil.

Site: Sheltered, sunny site
Soil: Fertile, well-drained, loamy soil, preferably slightly acid to neutral
Position: Full sun
Pick: From late October
Keep: Three months or more
Hardiness: Fully hardy
Pollination: Partially self-fertile. Pollination Group 3
Uses: Eating, cooking, juicing, hard cider

Learn more about fruit tree rootstocks

During the bareroot season, our apples are pre pruned before being dispatched by mail order.

Type | Size: Bareroot 1yr
Rootstock: M26
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