Hydrangea macrophylla Merveille Sanguine

Hydrangea Merveille Sanguine

A particularly handsome mophead hydrangea with a most striking colour, Hydrangea macrophylla Merveille Sanguine is a medium-sized, deciduous shrub with a broad rounded shape. Large, deep red, flowers with a pale blue eye appear in summer; the flowers are almost blackcurrant-coloured on acid soil. The leaves emerge bronze-green, developing a reddish tint in summer, making a perfect foil for the flowers; they turn dark red in autumn before they fall. The flowers are good for cutting and drying; leave the flower heads on the plant over Winter to protect the flower-buds from frost and dead-head in February.

Site: Tolerates coastal exposure
Soil: Any reasonably well drained soil, moist and fertile preferred
Position: Full sun or partial shade
Season of Interest: Late Summer & early Autumn flowering
Hardiness: Fully hardy
Height: 5’ (1.5m) Spread: 5’ (1.5m)

Type | Size: Pot | 2L
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