Gaultheria shallon


A low growing, evergreen, suckering shrub. Gaultheria shallon produces new foliage with flushed, pinky-orange tones that matures to green. The foliage on Checkerberry is leathery and tough, with bell-shaped, pendulous, pink flowers appearing in May and June that develop into purple berries. This excellent groundcover shrub is ideal in moist peaty areas or shady areas. Good for woodland gardens on acid soils.

Site: Prefers shelter
Soil: Best on well drained, acidic soils, tolerates clay soils & very wet soils
Position: Prefers partial shade, tolerates full sun if not too dry
Season of Interest: White-pink flowers in Summer, evergreen foliage, Autumn fruit
Hardiness: Fully hardy
Height: 5ft (1.5m) Spread: 7ft (1.8m) Can spread by suckering
Type | Size: Pot | 9cm
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