Plum Oullin's Golden Gage

Plum Oullin's Golden Gage

Not a true gage but a gage-like plum, and easier to grow, dual purpose Plum Oullins Golden Gage was found as a chance seedling in Oullins, France in the mid-19th century. The fruit is large, round, and pale yellow, freckled with crimson, and with a bloom; the flesh is pale, transparent, fairly dry and and moderately sweet, with a gage-like flavour and a semi-clinging stone. The tree is vigorous, upright, reliable and easy to grow, but only a moderate cropper and rather slow to come into bearing. Holds the RHS Award of Garden Merit.

Site: Sheltered
Soil: Any reasonably well drained
Position: Full sun
Pick: Mid-August
Keep: 1-3 days; 2 weeks if refrigerated
Hardiness: Hardy
Pollination: Partially self-fertile. Pollination Group 4
Uses: Eating, cooking, preserving

Learn more about fruit tree rootstocks

Please Note : Our fruit trees are pre pruned at the nursery.

Type | Size: Bareroot 1yr
Rootstock: St Julien A
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