An impressive cloud of pinnate leaves and a heavenly scent- green fennel is a common sight in the kitchen garden - and we might add that it's a great ornamental, too, what with its height and texture. F. vulgare is a robust, upright biennial (or short-lived perennial) with and flat umbels of small yellow flowers in summer; both leaves and fruits are aniseed-scented and flavoured. As a herb, the leaves are used with fish, sea food and salad dressing. Fennel seed has since long flavoured bread, curries and apple pies, and a cup of fennel leaf tea is known to soothe an upset stomach.
Site: Sheltered
Soil: Moist but well-drained
Position: Full sun to part shade
Season of Interest: Culinary use
Hardiness: Hardy
Height: 5-8ft (1.5-2.5m) Spread: up to 1.5ft (0.5m)
Future Forests has been supplying plants by mail order since 1986 and selling online since 2016.
Future Forests
Co Cork
P75 H958
Tel: 00353 (0) 27 66176
Office Hours: Mon to Sat 10am to 4 pm
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