Cryptomeria japonica Bandai-sugi

Japanese Cedar Bandai sugi

A true dwarf conifer, Cryptomeria japonica Bandai-sugi is a named variety of Japanese Cedar. Unlike its parent, Bandai-sugi is a slow-growing compact, bush that grows into an irregular shape when old. In cold weather, its congested, moss-like foliage takes on unusual purple-bronze colour. Makes an interesting addition to a low maintenance or small garden. Works well in rockeries also suitable for a larger container.

Site: Prefers sheltered sites
Soil: Well drained, slightly acidic
Position: Full sun, will tolerate some shade but are slower growing
Season of Interest: All year foliage, with foliage interest during cold spells
Hardiness: Fully hardy
Size: Dwarf 3ft to 6ft (1 to 2m) over time

Type | Size: Pot | 2L
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