Fruit - Cooking Apples

Fruit - Cooking Apples

Our cooking apples include firm favourites (such as Bramley and Grenadier) as well as a selection of lesser-known, modern, and Irish heritage culinary apples. Regardless of the variety, these trees have been selected purely because they are delightful and delicious in any homemade treat!

Many of our trees are available on various rootstocks to suit small or larger gardens and we list the pollination group of every variety to make it easy for you to choose.

Bareroot apple trees | December to March

Most of our apple trees are sold in bareroot form from December to March. You can learn more about the differences between bareroot and potted plants and about getting started growing fruit in our advice section.

Potted apple trees | all year round

Potted apple trees are available at different times throughout the rest of the year, but the best selection, and the best time to plant, is in spring (April to June). Outside of these times our selection is more limited.

35 products
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Pollination Group
Type | Size
Apple Peasgood Nonsuch
Out of Stock or Season
Apple Peasgood Nonsuch - Future Forests

Apple Peasgood Nonsuch

Apple Sheep's Nose
Out of Stock or Season
Apple Sheep's Nose - Future Forests

Apple Sheep's Nose

Apple Uncle John's Cooker
Out of Stock or Season
Apple Uncle John's Cooker - Future Forests

Apple Uncle John's Cooker
